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9055   1 year ago
the_archivist | 3 subscribers
9055   1 year ago

kaylanadollxoxo Chaturbate 20221222 231105
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Show got 250+ tickets sold, 250 x $18 thats over $4500 spent by viewers (streamers get about half)

2:02:25 JOJO(trans) keeps reiterating we are going to do our best to make you guys happy " TRUST IN THAT, cause this is private so we are going to do our best here, so if you guys are tired of the TEASE and shit this is where the things are going to be happening when its ready and we're private" (promises noted, cause later they say there was NO PROMISES, NO guarantee of what would go on in ticket show)
At this point TONS of people were reporting for INTOXICATION on camera, but CHATURBATE ALLOWED IT ALL NIGHT.

1:58:38 then she says " I dont need any money, just so u all know" (contradicting herself cause shes said she wants MONEY MONEY MONEY....MORE MONEYYYYYYYYYYY all night long)
2:01:08 drinking more TRULY and is super confused whats going on
2:01:54 teacher says "were gonna lick each others pussies", trans says "were gonna do our best to make you guys happy"
1:47:15 talks about how the edibles were sooooo good
1:48:25 jokes with someone "omg your my teacher im a student in your kindergarten class"
1:48:35 " I LOVE my students so much, you would never get the kind of love I GIVE TO MY STUDENTS"....trans says "Thats kinda kinky" teacher says "yeah thats pedophelia".." I love my kindergarten students a SICKENING amount"
1:55:31 setting up ticket show, sets ticket price at 175 tokens(~$18)
1:57:24 freaking out that people are FLOODING in buying tickets
1:58 teacher starts shaking her ass, showing tits, pussy, but still says " I dont know what that is, what does that mean" still highly confused and DRUNK.
1:26:57 " How do they know my name is AUTUMN and Im a kindergarten teacher and im in boise..thats the SCARY PART(haylie: maybe you should stop mentioning it)" ( MAYBE cause they keep saying your name, and YOU KEEP Saying your a kindergarten teacher... AND YOU have also said u were from boise)

1:27:09 "you know what, im a great teacher, FUCK YOU GUYS!! I WILL FUCKING FUCK YOUR KIDS UP and by that i mean...I will not fuck your kids up, I will fuck your kids"
then teacher and haylie go at it kissing, rolling around, rubbing thighs on each others pussies
1:42:15 "8100 viewers, wait were #1? yes we're $#1 on the entire site:
1:42:30 "DONT REPORT ME IM A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER" almost starts crying
52:40 "these bitches want MONEYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
54:08 sweetsullen with another 500 tokens/$50 and bottoms come off of hailey and all 3 are bottomless
54:20 "where is sweetsullen, BRING HIM TO ME"
55:55 "were pretty gay over here"
56:50 " I ate out a trans"
57:25 " IVE SUCKED A DICK, Man have I sucked some dick"........."Now i feel gross"
1:00:45 all bottomless
1:03:55 talking about dick sizes, long vs thick #girthmatters "andy(husband?) and I have to really work through it, cause hes got a LONG DICK"
1:06:00 talking about fucking the cook at applebees, had a micropenis, and when he came "it came out in chunks".. Someone let this cook @ boise applebees he might need to get that checked out
1:17:20 shows tits, pussy and ass bent over then says "IM A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER"
37:15 " how do they know I have a hub" (cause she said she already has a husband, and clearly has a rock on her finger) " I do not have a hub, no hub here, allllll me" YOUR FUCKING RING IS ON YOUR FINGER,
(SHE Struggles to take ring off)
38:38 "no hubby" Not a good liar starts laughing
39:25 spanking and rubbing teachers ass
39:40 still drunk and confused, says "I dont know how this works"
40:43 all topless
42:15 trans(MTF) says she dont have a dick she has a "vagina"
47:33 realizes there are 6500 people watching them
10:20 (teacher milf comes back and u get a shot of doggystyle pussy...10/10 would cum inside)
10:50 "I wanna talk about me!! this is the Autumn show"
11:57 "does anyone want to see me kiss hailey?"
13:05 "sweetsullen with another 1000 tokens/$100 "what is it you want"
13:20 she put top back on but can still see pussy and says " I love you sweetsullen"
15:32 (trans shows titties)
16:50 (looking for the money) (trans and friend says why u so focused on the money) " im a teacher I dont make a lot of money"
18:35 sweetsullen with another 500tokens/$50
20:30 (teacher gonna kiss hailey)
0:18 realizes she is "butt ass naked" "should i get some clothes on?"
1:15 talking about husband upstairs, "do i tell them that? laughing" (meanwhile note ring/rock on finger...will come in later)
3:45 trans talking about how she "brought them on" to chaturbate
6:22 talking about day, about kindergarten day, party, it was hardcore
7:25 "you can drink on stream you just cant be drunk" *(well shes already past drunk)
8:52 (now realizes there are 4700+ people watching)
9:15 (glimps of milf teacher pussy..pretty tasty looking NGL)
9:45 "all went to school at boise state, all BSU alumni"

Lmfao get ready to pay 175 tokens to be teased and cussed at later!