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How many ways can you use the We-Vibe? Lots! This is a versatile toy for solo and partnered use. Let us share some of these great ways we’ve found to use American’s most popular sex toy!

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*To celebrate sexual and gender diversity, this article will use “vulva” and “penis” instead of “woman” and “man.”

What is the We-Vibe

We-Vibe is a unique vibrating stimulator toy shaped liked a “C.” It’s small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, and is wireless and hands-free. There’s an ultra-quiet small vibrating bullet in each end, and they pulse in synch.  There are 2 constant vibration modes (low and high), and 7 pulsing rhythm modes. We-Vibe is rechargeable, you plug it in to the wall and it charges overnight.  We-Vibe currently sells in versions II and III, but both may be used the same way.

666   1 year ago
Make money fucking?? Yes please

everyone who isn't broadcasting here... Should! Just sayin! - CHATURBATE

451   1 year ago
The Virgin

A virgin girl so pure and sweet,

With thoughts and desires so discreet.

She dreams of love and passion's fire,

And longs to experience all desire.

One day, she meets a handsome lad,

Who stirs her heart and makes her glad.

He smiles and speaks with gentle grace,

And soon, they're lost in lovers' embrace.

They lay upon a bed of flowers,

As passion blooms in newfound powers.

Her heart beats fast with nervous thrill,

As he guides her through her maiden's ill.

She feels a pain, then a release,

As their bodies find a perfect peace.

And in that moment, she is whole,

A woman now, with love to hold.

They lay together, spent and blissed,

As the world around them falls to mist.

For in that moment, they are one,

United in their love, forever young.

275   1 year ago
Mommy's Desires

Once upon a time, there was a young man named John who lived with his mother, Sarah. John was a very handsome and virile young man, and his mother was a beautiful and sensual woman.

One day, while John was out running errands, Sarah decided to surprise him by wearing a slinky red dress that showed off her curves. When John returned home, he was stunned by his mother's beauty and couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Sarah noticed the way her son was looking at her and she couldn't help but feel a surge of desire. She walked over to him and whispered in his ear, "John, I want you. I've always wanted you."

John was surprised by his mother's words, but he couldn't deny the attraction he felt for her. He took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom, where they made passionate love.

From that day on, John and Sarah couldn't keep their hands off of each other. They spent every moment they could together, exploring each other's bodies and satisfying their carnal desires.

As time passed, their love only grew stronger and they became inseparable. They knew that what they were doing was wrong, but they couldn't help themselves. They were madly in love with each other and nothing could ever tear them apart.

194   1 year ago
Pregnancy Hormones are WILD

I met this girl on Craigslist back in the day when Craigslist was a good spot for that. She sent me nudes and after seeing my picture, she became interested in me. She kept messaging me during the workday and finally wanted to meet up during her work hours. She was in a work vehicle between clients and I was at work. She sent me pictures of herself with her pants down, her pussy spread and soaked, saying one day I would be 'balls deep' in her. I was excited and agreed to meet her during lunch.

We met at a gas station about 20 minutes away and decided to find a more secluded spot. We found a road that was a dead end, near a construction site, and parked there. She immediately squatted down and unzipped my pants, taking my cock into her mouth. After a while, she stood up and took her top off while I unbuttoned her jeans and confirmed that her pussy was soaked.

She grabbed a condom from me and put it on, then I bent her over the hood of my car and slid inside her nice, petite, soaking-wet pussy. We had sex for a bit and she came, but I almost did as well. She then reached under herself and grabbed my cock as she pulled away, and it came out. I thought we were done, but she quickly took the condom off and thrust back onto my cock. She bounced back and forth for about a minute and I came deep inside her.

It was exciting being out in the open, hearing the traffic, and having sex with her, even though we were in view of a major highway. After we finished, she pulled forward and her already-soaked pussy lips were glistening and dripping with my cum. We got dressed and agreed to meet again.

Later, I found out that she was actually married and saw a picture on Facebook of her 11-week ultrasound. From that point forward, I realized that pregnancy hormones can make women crave cock and cum more than usual, to the point where they will cheat on their husbands. Sadly, her husband was in the Navy and they moved shortly after finding out they were having the baby, so we never met again.

155   1 year ago
How to advertise Onlyfans

There are several ways that you can advertise your OnlyFans account to reach a wider audience. Some options you may want to consider include:

Utilizing social media platforms: Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok can be a great way to promote your OnlyFans account and connect with potential subscribers. You can use these platforms to share updates, behind-the-scenes content, and previews of your OnlyFans content to give people a taste of what they can expect if they subscribe.

Collaborating with other creators: Another way to promote your OnlyFans account is to collaborate with other creators on the platform. You can team up with other OnlyFans creators to cross-promote each other's content, which can help to expand your reach and attract new subscribers.

Using paid advertising: Paid advertising can be another effective way to promote your OnlyFans account. You can use platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to run targeted campaigns that reach potential subscribers who are interested in the type of content you offer.

Engaging with your audience: Finally, one of the best ways to promote your OnlyFans account is to engage with your existing audience and build a loyal following. You can do this by responding to comments, sharing exclusive content, and offering special deals and incentives to encourage people to subscribe.

Overall, the best ways to advertise your OnlyFans account will depend on your specific goals and audience. You may want to experiment with different strategies to see what works best for you.

154   1 year ago
Accidental chaturbate poop

Accidental poop during a Chaturbate session, while embarrassing, is a common occurrence. Chaturbate is a popular live streaming platform that allows individuals to broadcast themselves engaging in various activities, including sexual activities. Because of the nature of the platform, accidents can happen, and sometimes those accidents can involve poop.

If you experience an accidental poop during a Chaturbate session, the first thing you should do is remain calm. Accidents happen, and it's important not to let it ruin the rest of your session. Take a moment to clean up, and then continue on with your session if you're comfortable doing so.

If you're unable to clean up and continue with your session, it's important to let your viewers know what happened. Be honest and upfront about the situation, and apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. Your viewers will likely understand and will appreciate your honesty.

It's also a good idea to take a break after an accidental poop during a Chaturbate session. Take some time to collect yourself, clean up, and relax before continuing on with your session. This will help ensure that the incident doesn't ruin the rest of your time on Chaturbate.

In conclusion, while accidental poop during a Chaturbate session can be embarrassing, it's important to remain calm and handle the situation with grace. Clean up, apologize if necessary, and take a break before continuing on with your session. By taking these steps, you can minimize the impact of the accident and move on with your Chaturbate experience.

138   1 year ago
Pregnancy Risk Fetish

A pregnancy risk fetish, also known as maiesiophilia, is a sexual interest in the idea of impregnating or being impregnated. This fetish often involves fantasies or role-playing scenarios where pregnancy is a potential outcome of sexual activity.

Some people with a pregnancy risk fetish may be drawn to the idea of experiencing the physical and emotional changes that come with pregnancy, such as weight gain, lactation, and hormonal fluctuations. Others may be attracted to the idea of creating new life or the power dynamics involved in the act of impregnation.

While having a pregnancy risk fetish is not necessarily harmful, it's important to understand that engaging in activities that increase the risk of unintended pregnancy can have serious consequences. This includes not using effective birth control, refusing to discuss or plan for pregnancy, or engaging in risky sexual behaviors.

It's important for individuals with a pregnancy risk fetish to communicate openly and honestly with their partner about their desires and boundaries. This can help ensure that any activities involving pregnancy risk are consensual and mutually enjoyable. It's also important to use effective birth control and have regular discussions about pregnancy and family planning.

Overall, a pregnancy risk fetish can be a valid and fulfilling part of an individual's sexual expression, but it's important to approach it with care and respect for oneself and one's partner.

138   1 year ago
Best Sex Positions for getting pregnant

There is no evidence to suggest that certain sexual positions are better for getting pregnant than others. The most important factor for conception is for the sperm to come into contact with the egg, and this can happen regardless of the sexual position.

However, some positions may make it easier for the sperm to reach the egg. For example, positions that allow for deep penetration, such as the missionary position, may increase the chances of sperm reaching the cervix and entering the uterus.

Ultimately, the best position for getting pregnant will vary from couple to couple and may depend on individual preferences and comfort levels. The most important thing is to have regular sexual intercourse during the woman's fertile period. A doctor can provide more information and guidance on the best approach for a couple trying to conceive.

136   1 year ago
Once upon a time

Once upon a time, in a land far away,

There lived a girl with a curious way.

She was known for her beauty and her charm,

But one thing that set her apart was her horny alarm.

No matter where she went or what she did,

Her mind was always filled with thoughts of Cupid.

She craved the touch of a lover's hand,

And longed for the feeling of a man.

But despite her desire and her lust,

She struggled to find someone to trust.

She had been burned before and was scared to take a chance,

But deep down she knew she needed romance.

One day, she met a boy who caught her eye,

And despite her fears, she gave him a try.

They danced and they laughed and they fell in love,

And finally, she had found the one she was dreaming of.

With him, she felt safe and secure,

And her heart no longer felt unsure.

Together, they explored their passion and desire,

And their love burned brighter than any fire.

So if you're ever feeling lonely and blue,

Remember that love can come to you.

It may not be easy and it may take some time,

But if you're open to it, love will be just fine.

128   1 year ago