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How many ways can you use the We-Vibe? Lots! This is a versatile toy for solo and partnered use. Let us share some of these great ways we’ve found to use American’s most popular sex toy!

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*To celebrate sexual and gender diversity, this article will use “vulva” and “penis” instead of “woman” and “man.”

What is the We-Vibe

We-Vibe is a unique vibrating stimulator toy shaped liked a “C.” It’s small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, and is wireless and hands-free. There’s an ultra-quiet small vibrating bullet in each end, and they pulse in synch.  There are 2 constant vibration modes (low and high), and 7 pulsing rhythm modes. We-Vibe is rechargeable, you plug it in to the wall and it charges overnight.  We-Vibe currently sells in versions II and III, but both may be used the same way.

666   1 year ago
Make money fucking?? Yes please

everyone who isn't broadcasting here... Should! Just sayin! - CHATURBATE

451   1 year ago
Accidental chaturbate poop

Accidental poop during a Chaturbate session, while embarrassing, is a common occurrence. Chaturbate is a popular live streaming platform that allows individuals to broadcast themselves engaging in various activities, including sexual activities. Because of the nature of the platform, accidents can happen, and sometimes those accidents can involve poop.

If you experience an accidental poop during a Chaturbate session, the first thing you should do is remain calm. Accidents happen, and it's important not to let it ruin the rest of your session. Take a moment to clean up, and then continue on with your session if you're comfortable doing so.

If you're unable to clean up and continue with your session, it's important to let your viewers know what happened. Be honest and upfront about the situation, and apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. Your viewers will likely understand and will appreciate your honesty.

It's also a good idea to take a break after an accidental poop during a Chaturbate session. Take some time to collect yourself, clean up, and relax before continuing on with your session. This will help ensure that the incident doesn't ruin the rest of your time on Chaturbate.

In conclusion, while accidental poop during a Chaturbate session can be embarrassing, it's important to remain calm and handle the situation with grace. Clean up, apologize if necessary, and take a break before continuing on with your session. By taking these steps, you can minimize the impact of the accident and move on with your Chaturbate experience.

138   1 year ago
Virgin encounter

As she walked into the bedroom, he couldn't help but admire her curves. She had always been beautiful to him, but tonight she looked particularly stunning. She was wearing a silky red dress that clung to her body in all the right places, and her long dark hair was cascading over her shoulders.

He stood up from the bed and walked over to her, taking her hand in his. She smiled up at him, and he leaned down to kiss her. As their lips met, he felt a surge of desire wash over him.

They began to undress each other slowly, taking their time to explore every inch of each other's bodies. His hands roamed over her smooth skin, tracing the contours of her curves. She moaned softly as he kissed her neck, and he could feel her body responding to his touch.

Finally, they were both naked and they fell onto the bed together, entwined in each other's arms. He could feel her warmth against him, and he could sense her need for him.

They made love slowly, savoring every moment. They kissed and caressed each other, each touch sending sparks of pleasure through their bodies. They moved together in perfect harmony, their bodies perfectly attuned to each other.

As they reached the peak of their passion, they both cried out in ecstasy, overwhelmed by the intensity of their lovemaking. They clung to each other, their bodies still joined, as they drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

90   1 year ago is a website that provides information about the popular mode of transportation known as tuk-tuks in Thailand. Tuk-tuks are small, three-wheeled vehicles that are commonly used for short trips around cities and towns. They are a popular option for tourists and locals alike due to their convenience, low cost, and ability to navigate narrow streets and heavy traffic.

The website offers a variety of resources for those interested in tuk-tuks, including information on the history of tuk-tuks, tips on how to ride them safely and comfortably, and a directory of tuk-tuk service providers in various locations throughout Thailand. The website also includes a forum where users can share their experiences and ask questions about tuk-tuks.

In addition to providing information about tuk-tuks, also aims to promote responsible and sustainable tourism in Thailand. The website encourages visitors to support local businesses and avoid engaging in activities that may harm the environment or local communities. By choosing to ride tuk-tuks and using the resources on, tourists can help support the local economy and minimize their impact on the environment.

Overall, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about tuk-tuks and supporting responsible tourism in Thailand. By using the website, visitors can gain useful information and insights, and make informed decisions about their transportation and travel choices in Thailand.

109   1 year ago

When a person, regardless of their gender, loses their virginity, it typically refers to the first time they have sexual intercourse. This can be a significant event in a person's life, and people may have various feelings and experiences associated with it.

During sexual intercourse, the penis or a sex toy is inserted into the vagina. This can cause some discomfort or pain, especially if it is the first time a person has had sex. Some people may also experience bleeding, which is usually minor and should not cause any long-term health problems.

After a person has had sex for the first time, their body may undergo various changes. For example, their hormones may change, which can affect their mood and behavior. Some people may also notice physical changes, such as an increased sex drive or changes to their menstrual cycle.

It is important to note that losing one's virginity does not define a person's worth or value. Each individual's experiences and feelings about sex and their first time are unique and should be respected. It is also important for people to engage in safe and consensual sex, and to communicate with their partner about their boundaries and desires.

In conclusion, losing one's virginity is a personal and individual experience that can have physical and emotional effects. It is important to engage in safe and consensual sex, and to communicate with one's partner about boundaries and desires.

80   1 year ago

A creampie is a term used in pornography to describe a scene in which a man ejaculates inside a woman's vagina or anus without using a condom. The resulting mixture of semen and lubrication is then typically shown on camera, often with close-up shots of the genitals.

It is important to note that creampies are not a safe or healthy form of sexual activity. Engaging in unprotected sex, as is depicted in creampie scenes, can put both partners at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.

Furthermore, the depiction of creampies in pornography can give viewers the false impression that it is acceptable or desirable to engage in unprotected sex. This can normalize risky behavior and contribute to a culture of unsafe sex.

In conclusion, creampies are not a safe or healthy form of sexual activity, and the depiction of creampies in pornography can contribute to a culture of unsafe sex. It is important to always use protection, such as condoms, when engaging in sexual activity to reduce the risk of STIs and unintended pregnancies.

111   1 year ago
Female Squirting

Female squirting, also known as female ejaculation, is the expulsion of a liquid substance from the female genitals during sexual arousal or orgasm. This phenomenon is not well understood, and there is some debate among scientists and medical professionals about its nature and existence.

Some studies have suggested that the liquid produced during female squirting is similar to male ejaculate, and is produced by the Skene's glands, which are located near the female G-spot. Other studies have found that the liquid is mostly urine, and is produced by the bladder.

Regardless of its exact nature, female squirting is a normal and healthy part of sexual activity for some women. It is not harmful, and does not indicate any underlying medical conditions. In addition to the debate about the nature of the liquid produced during female squirting, there is also some disagreement about whether all women are capable of experiencing it. Some experts believe that all women have the physical ability to squirt, but that it may require specific stimulation or conditions to occur. Others believe that only a small subset of women are able to squirt, and that it is a rare and exceptional phenomenon.

Regardless of a woman's ability to squirt, it is important for her to feel comfortable and confident in her own body and sexual experiences. Women should not feel pressured to squirt or to conform to any particular expectations or norms around sex. They should be able to explore their sexuality in a safe, consensual, and pleasurable way, without feeling judged or inadequate.

If a woman is interested in exploring her potential to squirt, there are various resources and techniques that she can try. These may include experimenting with different positions, using sex toys, or engaging in foreplay and arousal techniques that focus on the G-spot or other sensitive areas. It is important for women to communicate with their partners and to listen to their own bodies to determine what feels good and pleasurable to them.

However, it is important to note that not all women are able to squirt, and some may never experience it. This does not mean that there is anything wrong with them or their sexual functioning. The ability to squirt is not a requirement for a satisfying sexual experience.

In conclusion, female squirting is the expulsion of a liquid substance from the female genitals during sexual arousal or orgasm. The exact nature of this liquid is not well understood, and there is some debate among scientists and medical professionals about its composition. However, female squirting is a normal and healthy part of sexual activity for some women, and does not indicate any underlying medical conditions.

97   1 year ago
Creating a male masturbator

Creating a male masturbator can be a fun and fulfilling DIY project. It allows you to customize the device to your own personal preferences and can potentially save you money compared to purchasing a pre-made one. However, it's important to keep in mind that homemade sex toys can come with certain risks, so it's important to take proper precautions and use safe materials.

Here are some steps to follow when making a male masturbator:

  1. Choose a material. Some common materials for homemade masturbators include latex gloves, balloons, and foam cups. It's important to avoid using materials that could potentially be harmful, such as sharp objects or materials that could cause allergic reactions.

  2. Create a mold. To create a mold, you can either use a pre-existing object or shape the material by hand. If using an object, make sure it's clean and smooth to avoid any rough edges or irritations.

  3. Assemble the masturbator. Once you have your mold, carefully stretch the material over it and secure it in place. You may need to use tape or a rubber band to hold it securely.

  4. Add lubricant. Before using the masturbator, be sure to apply a water-based lubricant to the inside and outside of the device. This will help reduce friction and make the experience more enjoyable.

  5. Use and clean the masturbator. To use the masturbator, simply insert your penis and move it back and forth. When you're finished, be sure to clean the device thoroughly with warm water and mild soap. Allow it to air dry before storing it.

Overall, making a male masturbator can be a fun and satisfying DIY project. Just be sure to use safe materials and take proper precautions when using the device.

124   1 year ago
Best way to impregnate a woman

The best method to impregnate a woman is to have sexual intercourse during her fertile period. This is the time when an egg is released from the ovaries and is available to be fertilized by sperm. The fertile period typically occurs a few days before and after ovulation, which is the time when the ovary releases an egg.

To increase the chances of impregnating a woman, it's important to have regular sexual intercourse during her fertile period. This can be determined by tracking her menstrual cycle, monitoring her basal body temperature, and observing changes in her cervical mucus.

It's also important for the man to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as this can increase his fertility. This includes eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting regular exercise, and avoiding substances that can affect sperm quality, such as alcohol and tobacco.

In some cases, a couple may need to seek medical assistance if they have difficulty conceiving. This may include fertility treatments such as medication or procedures to help the sperm reach the egg. A doctor can provide more information and guidance on the best approach for a couple trying to conceive.

107   1 year ago